Hope Frasier 
Artist and Designer 

I've been in love with arts and crafts for as long as I can remember.  I used to sketch throughout grade school and discovered painting in high school (I was class artist).  In 1998, while on maternity leave, I became interested in cloth doll artistry.  I started my first business, Hope Crafts, and traveled the country exhibiting at doll shows for 7 years.  I never went back to my "real" job.  

I have always loved the challenge of making something out of nothing.  So when  I saw a bowl by glass artist Dale Chihuly that looked similar to a piece of fabric that I had, I dove into my scraps to replicate it.  Through trial and error, I developed a solution to harden fabric.  I transitioned from doll making and Vessel Vixen was born in 2005. 

Being self-taught with no formal training, I am driven by passion to do what I love.  Recycling has become a way of life for me.  I absolutely love turning trash into treasure!

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